We relaxed a ton. We visited the town pool, which was super fun for the kids-Parker loved the kiddie pool. We ordered lots of take out, and had a cookout with my dad's wife's family, and some of my dad's family too. We celebrated my, Parker, and my stepsister Victoria's birthdays with tons of yummy food and a delicious cake!
I will also add, Parker was a superstar on the flights-he slept the whole way there and the whole way back. We had a crappy two hour delay coming home, but the kids were so so good. This week we travel to the Cape, so crossing my fingers the children will be equally angelic. FYI-Ring Pops work! :)
Here are some shots of the kids at the pool: (the humidity fogged up the lens on my already crappy camera, so bear with me)
Here Parker is modeling his accessories that he is now obsessed with...and here they are enjoying the beautiful weather. My favorite is Lily's expression when she's holding a screaming brother.
And finally, here are some cookout shots. I almost forgot to mention-my sweet sister Lacey was there too! She had been visiting for three weeks, and we came on the tail end of her trip.

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