We have been swimming a lot, and Lily has gotten to see a few movies. She has also gone bowling with our church, and her VBS is coming up next week. We had a great fourth of July-we went to a Fireworks show on Sunday at our church that was spectacular! Shane even volunteered with me in the nursery for the first time last Sunday, and naturally, all the babies were obsessed with him.
We have worked on some crafts, blown up our little wading pool, ate lots of ice cream, and we have spent countless hours on Parker's first birthday (expect an EXTRA long post next week!) This party will hopefully turn out adorable-we are going low-key with appetizers, lemonade, and a candy table, but we have made all the decorations ourselves, and this has taken some serious time. Luckily, I have an amazing mother who has helped me out so much with all her creative ideas.
We have two vacations coming up at the end of the month, and Parker will be taking his first plane flights. We are first going to New Jersey to see my dad for 3.5 days, and then the following weekend, we are flying to Cape Cod to see my aunt and uncle for 4.5 days. We cannot wait for both trips! Lily is a veteran-she was on a plane multiple times before even turning one. She loves flying and traveling...she already wants to pack her suitcase.
Last night we took Lily, Parker, and Shane's little brother Chase to the first Braves game of the season. We had tickets and a parking pass from Shane's work. We had amazing seats, and it wasn't TOO hot, since it was a 7:10 game. We all shared a huge and ridiculously expensive pizza, and we actually sat and watched the whole game. The Braves won, and overall it was a great night as a family! I will say, Turner Field has a great secret-their amazing family restrooms! So much nicer than the regular restrooms. I would have actually even nursed in there on the nice wooden benches (Parker was too excited to nurse at the field though!) So anyone who needs to change diapers or take multiple kiddos to the bathroom-I encourage you to find them.
My view of the evening:

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