We have switched to cloth diapers.
Don’t freak out. Most people I have told do. It’s very odd to me. I have heard, “You’ll regret that,” “Ew,” and even, “Are you bored?” I’ve tried not to take offense to these comments because I have to remember that people don’t really know how cloth diapers are now. Although, let’s be honest, of course I took some offense. Shane and I made the decision because it’s better for our baby, our wallets, and of course, the environment (pretty important). I purchased Simply Cloth diapers from Simply Baby, online. They were really inexpensive, and they seem to be great quality. They are one size, adjustable-they will last until he is potty trained. Amazing. And they have the cutest designs. Loooove them.
I don’t need pins, I don’t have to fold them. They are pocket diapers-where you stuff inserts into the diaper. To wash them, I run them on a cold soak in the washer, and then wash in hot with free and clear detergent (Shane got All). And then toss them in the dryer-though, I’m thinking of letting them hang outside to dry when it’s warmer outside.
The thought that I won’t be buying disposables anymore is amazing. And Parker looks adorable-per usual!
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