Whew, I totally use this blog to complain! I'm worried if Parker ever reads this when he's older, he's going to think he was the worst thing there ever was. I guess it's easy to remember how tired you are and how much your head hurts when you're exhausted and typing out a quick post. I really must add that Parker makes funny faces that make me laugh, rolls from tummy to back and back to tummy, is the best breastfeeder there ever was, and sat in his Bumbo chair successfully today!

So... Mahaffey family update, on a positive note (no mention of teeth. Starting...now!)
* I attended Lily's first school conference with her teacher on Tuesday. Overall, she is doing really well. She is grasping all the concepts and for the MOST part, behaving. Lily has her moments...she is super dramatic and I think she still pretty much has the mentality that the world revolves around her. I remember being that way when I was little. But, she seems to be doing well. She's already learned a ton and we're starting on sight words very soon.
** I'm Lily's room mom this year. Wow, what a job. My first project is helping out with the Fall Festival. I'm trying to find parent volunteers to work our booth so I don't have to be there the WHOLE time. I'm hoping things will coordinate. It seems like a lot of work, but I think I need to get in the swing of things.
*** Lily's tee ball team is undefeated! We have a game tomorrow and possibly two makeups. They are some hardcore little ball players. These kids hit homeruns and everything. Well, Lily still prefers snack, flirting, and the dirt, but she is improving alot. She has made two AWESOME plays this year, and she has been hitting without the tee on occasion.

**** Parker attended his first Braves game. I have never seen the stadium that crowded; it was a sea of tomahawks. It was awesome. Of course I forgot my camera. They lost, and now, they are out of the playoffs, but it sure was fun!
I can't think of anything else. Have a happy weekend!