Yesterday, I had my pre-op appointment. FINALLY. I answered three million questions, gave them blood, etc. My doctor told me that the nurses at Tanner are great and are very helpful with breastfeeding. She also told me that they won't use staples during the surgery, just stiches, which is awesome, because I remember getting those taken out, and it was NOT fun. I have to be at the hospital Monday morning at 6 15. As long as we stay on schedule, Parker will be debuting around 7 30 am. Shane will be back there with me during the c-section, and my mom and sisters plan on arriving around 7 30 to wait and meet Parker when we head to recovery. I'm really trying to stay positive and not get too freaked out about the procedure. I think I've gotten giving blood down pat, although I have to go Sunday and give them blood in case I need a blood transfusion. I'm hoping I don't pass out for that. But I'm nervous of the IV, the spinal epidural, and of course, the c-section itself. I'm such a baby when it comes to pain. It's all worth it though...we can't wait to meet our little boy!
My must haves for the hospital
~Comfy gown
~Nursing top/bra
~Lanolin cream (from what my friends tell me, I'll be needing this!)
~Nursing pads (I didn't have any last time, and I didn't even nurse, and it was issue!)
~Boppy pillow
~Extra pillows
~Camera and video camera
~Going home outfits for myself and baby
Lily is spending the night with family Sunday night. She'll hopefully get to meet Parker Monday afternoon once things settle down. I've been spending all my time with her this week-we've been watching lots of movies, we went to the free movies in Hiram on Tuesday, been swimming, eating junk food, and we've been to Target for Barbies more than once! I've been spoiling her rotten, but I have really enjoyed it as well! I think she is starting to get really excited. Every day she asks me how many more days.
We will have to stay two nights at the hospital, which means we'll get to bring our little guy home Wednesday. Shane has taken the entire week off work, so hopefully we'll get to have lots of family time and rest.
I've cleaned the house top to bottom, I've gotten everything ready in his room, I have Lily's bag packed, and mine is almost packed. I've bathed the dog, swept the garage, organized all the bills. Tomorrow I'm cleaning out the car and putting Parker's car seat in. Sunday we have to do a big grocery shopping. And then it's go time!!
I'm sure there will be Facebook posts and updates long before I post anything on this blog, but I look forward to posting Parker's birth story soon!
I've leaving you with a few pictures from Parker's room. I'm still waiting on my big print from ( But you get the idea...!