I also hosted my own Christmas party, with a few friends around here and sweet Katherine drove all the way from Sandy Springs to come too. It was fun-snacks, wine, and presents. I really enjoyed it, and P was so good. Shane took Lily on a date night to dinner and see Tangled, and she was just tickled.
Lily has been having lots of fun with Christmas projects at school, and she has her Christmas party on Friday. The kiddos read Polar Express and do crafts and get to wear their pjs. I can't wait to take pictures. I just purchased cute mugs and yummy chocolate for her teachers gifts. So original right? She'll be off for two weeks-yikes...
What else, what else...We are getting baptized on the 26th at church, and Parker is getting dedicated on January 2nd. We love attending New Season, and I am so happy that Lily loves it too. It's been an amazing change in our lives, and we are so thankful!
Hmmm... and of course P. Parker actually DOES have teeth now. His two bottom ones are coming in. Wow, he has been a handful! I love him to pieces, but good grief, Mommy has been worn thin! And has been bitten! He is trying to start crawling, and he is also about to move to 6-9 month clothes. Oh, and I just got him a great Fisher Price Jumperoo, which he seems to like, but man, that thing is huge! I wish I had an extra room for all my baby equipment.
And lastly-here is one of my goals for Christmas break: quiet time (he he he. My mother always implemented quiet time til I was like 12, whether you napped or not. Seems like a good tradition to start around here too.)
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