1. The birth of our son Parker. Our little family grew on 6/28/10. Parker weighed 7 lbs. 5 oz.

2. Lily starting kindergarten. At the ripe old age of five, Lily joined the world of academia.

3. Celebrating our first wedding anniversary. 5/23/10 will always be our special day. I was sooo preggo though-it was a little over a month til my due date!

4. Becoming a SAHM- I got let go of my first REAL job ever due to layoffs. But, it turned out to be such a blessing that I get to stay home with my kiddos.

5. Becoming members of New Season Church. I blog about this all the time, but what an amazing change in our lives! I was hoping to have pictures, but I will after Parker's baby dedication this weekend. That will be a post itself.
6. Lily's fall tee ball team's undefeated season. These kids were dynamite! Watch out this spring for the Fireballs!!

7. My Golden Birthday-When I was little, I always thought about turning 25 on the 25th. It wasn't the most exciting birthday, but I had a great day, and my childhood fantasy became a reality. I don't know why it was such a big deal to me, but I was really looking forward to it. Now, to stay 25 forever.
8. Lily following in her daddy's footsteps by playing ball. Lily became a ball player in the spring of 2010.

9. Visit from my aunt and uncle. Maureen and Steve flew all the way here from Cape Cod to see my home and visit with our family for two glorious days. It was their first time getting to see where we lived and everything! By far my favorites ever, and I was so glad they got to experience Atlanta-including the Aquarium and Centennial Olympic park and our favorite places to eat!

10. Becoming a mini-van mom. Maybe not the COOLEST thing that's ever happened to us (well, Lily thinks so) but we have SO much room, the van is SO safe, and it is pretty sweet as far as minivans go (we even have a DVD player). Plus, it totally dominates the Jeep on gas mileage.